Everything have rules and wearing braidless microlink installs is no different. To best help to protect and care for your hair while wearing these type of hair extension installs, here are a few rules to live by.
Seek a professional to perform the service.
Stick to your braidless maintenance plan.
Use a boar bristle brush or a detangling brush near the scalp area.
Workout and care for your scalp.
Change your hairstyles.
Miss retightening maintenance.
Wear tight hairstyles. This can cause you to pull your hair out whether or not you are wearing extensions. It's just a bad hair practice.
Skip shampoos. Love on your scalp and hair!!! Watch it thrive.
Use heat more than 1 time a week. Yeah I know this might come of a shock, but I watch so many people burn their hair out due to over use of heat. This can happen fast, so just switch the hairstyle and drop the heat.
Attempt to remove the install at home. Just leave it to the professional that installed it to remove it from your hair.
Want to book a consultation? Do so here.